White Prince Property Finders, Wiltshire

House hunting? Let the experts do it for you – Alice and Lucinda from White Prince are top-tier independent buying agents with more local knowledge and expert contacts than you can shake a ‘Welcome Home’ doormat at.

19 July 2023Add to My FavouritesSave

Hunting for your dream home can be exhausting – especially in today’s bonkers housing market and with so little time on our hands. If you’ve ever wished for your very own Kirstie and Phil, we can do you one better: Alice and Lucinda!

Alice White and Lucinda Prince are fully qualified Chartered Surveyors and have over 30 combined years’ experience in the housing biz, which is why they joined forces to create their own independent buying agency working across Wiltshire, Hampshire, West Berkshire, Vale of the White Horse, Dorset and the Cotswolds. Their years of experience in the area mean that White Prince have a Rolodex heaving with the best local contacts and selling agents willing to give them a tip – plus they know exactly where to find the best schools, transport links and countryside rural idyll money can buy.

Whether you know precisely what you want (and have a list of requirements as long as your arm) or you’re relocating and have no idea where to begin, Lucinda and Alice will give you their expert advice, do all the grunt work of searching (that includes houses that aren’t publicly available, FYI) and can either view on your behalf or arrange viewings for you. They chat through the nitty gritty with surveyors and builders to get a clear picture of any work that needs doing, handle the negotiations with sellers to get you the best price for your dream property and even do a pre-completion check to make sure your new home is exactly as you were expecting.

All that’s left for you to do is pick up the phone and give White Prince a call – then sit back with a G&T and let them bring the perfect home to you.

At a glance


lucinda@whiteprince.co.uk and alice@whiteprince.co.uk

Lucinda: 07795 275098 and Alice: 07841 746988

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